Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Beast!

Tendrils of mist snaked around the buttresses of the ancient trees. The air became heavy with a thick musty odour. All sounds of the forest around them seemed muted. Hagendar's senses felt the sudden tingling pressure he knew all too well.

"Ready. It comes!"

From the heart of the Green Wood came a crashing and snapping of  twigs and branches. The mist now thick and heavy in the air hid the advancing creature.  The guardsmen readied their spears. The companions scanned the perimeter stepping into deep fighting stances.

Then out of the mist, wolves!

A large pack, frothing, snarling, their eyes showing near all white. Terrified beyond all reason, they sought to tear their way through the company.

Two of the guardsmen were torn to pieces, the others fought bravely and skewered near half the pack. Lugh caught one large she wolf and rolled with it to the ground his knives flashing silver then red. It lay still as he rose again. Olrun pinned one of the creatures to the ground with her shield and them ran it through with the short wide blade that she favoured.

Birghtshaft spun in Hagendar's hands, and he dove into the pack. Howls of pain followed his path through them, two more wolves lay dying.

The remaining wolves continued to tear madly into the guardsmen. Hagendar and his companions pushed into the fray. When the last wolf lay still all but one of the Thane's men were dead.

As they gathered their wits a low "WHOOMPF" was heard beyond the perimeter in the mist, and then a moment later "BOOMPF!" . 

The air rushed out form the middle of the cleared space and around them. Where nothing stood seconds before now a huge shaggy fur covered thing, all muscle and claws snarled at them. Its face something between a great cat and a bear mewled with red eyed hatred. Three long spine tipped tails lashed from its rear.

It rushed at them, leaping, its six legs spread wide and grappled at Hagendar.

As it did so three lashing tails hit out at Orlun, Lugh and the Guardsman.The tails tore across the face and chest of each man. Blood sprayed from ragged wounds. Olrun caught the blow on her shield and then hacked viciously. One half of one tail writhed on the forest flaw.

The Beast hit Hagendar front on in a massive body slam, biting and clawing. The mighty warrior managed to shove the haft of his spear in the things mouth, preventing it tearing his throat out. Its rear legs planted into the litter of leaves and blood, steadied the creature, as its remaining four limbs tore into Hagendar again and again.

Though terribly wounded he manged to step to the side and force the thing off him. It rolled and readied for another attack.

The guardsman bravely rushed at it, seeking to drive his long spear into its side. A barbed tail lashed out and another body joined those on the ground. Olrun and Lugh moved together, filling the gap between the Monster slayer and the beast. The Thing leaped at Olrun its tails lashing out at Lugh.

Lugh was knocked off of his feet and spun away to the edge of the fighting ground. The Beast engulfed Olrun in its massive grey-green shaggy furred form. They rolled away to the other side of the clearing. The beast rose, and Olrun did not. The Sheildmaiden lay on her face, a river of blood running from her side. The creature now also bled from several deep wounds to its belly and flanks.

Hagendar changed, the beast's tails lashed him, drawing more blood. His winged spear severed one, its stump wildly flicking back and forth. He drove Brightshaft deep into its body, screaming in pain-fuelled rage. The creature roared in frustration.

Lugh got to his feet and rushed in. The last of the Things tails lashed out, it struck him full on the temple, he too now lay immobile on the forest floor.

Hagendar pulled his magic spear from the thing, and struck again. The spear descended towards the monstrous form, then "WHOOMPF"  it was gone and Brightshaft thudded deep into the ground.

"BOOMPF!" the air pushed down on him from above. Quickly Hagendar pulled Brightshaft from the loamy soil and spun it point up planting the butt on the ground. The thing dropped out of the sky and fell on him furiously, clawing, biting, and lashing.

Brightshaft had done its job. Near mortally wounded, and crushed beneath its aberrant form  Hagendar still lived.

He lay there for some time, bleeding into the leaves the weight of the dead beast an his circumstances bearing down upon him. With great effort Hagendar heaved the corpse off himself and rose unsteadily using his spear for balance. It was obvious that only he now lived. The Shieldmaiden and the Rogue had now begun their next journey, leaving their friend alone in the dark wood.

It was also Hagendar's doom, and that of many great heroes, to remain long after friendship and happiness depart, and only grim determination and duty remain.

The Gods had use for him still.

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