Saturday, February 3, 2018

Hard words and sharp blades.

Hagendar and his companions arrive in Laugarbrek and are greeted with cheers and much commotion.

Thane Gudran is most pleased to see the Famous band of four and his prospects and mood improve greatly. He welcomes them with much flattery and shows of affection and demands to feast them with honour for their first night in Laugarbrek.

Watching from the edges of the crowd gathered are a small band of mercenaries lead by Thagard Greymantle, he and his men are know well locally for deeds both good and ill. The Laugarbrekers were happy to see them arrive, but this exuberant greeting for outlanders has them grumbling in their beards and casting hard looks at the Heroes and townspeople alike.

Later that evening Hagendar's company and the mercenaries sit in Gudran's hall eating and drinking to excess. Olrun is entreated by Thane Gudran to sing some sagas and warchants. Her skill as a bard is known in many kingdoms and the gathered crowd listen and watch in awe.

During Olrun's performance Lugh the rogue notes the angry jealous stares and snide remarks of the other company of warriors. He rises from his bench and trades cutting remarks of his own, tension grows to boiling point and finally two of the mercenaries rise from their seats and rush Lugh.

His wits addled by drink, Lugh is quickly cut down by them, blood spilling on the straw. Lugh's friends rise and rush to his aid, the other mercenaries and their captain rush towards them. Fighting in earnest between the two companies begins. Olrun and Blacktongue drop Lughs attackers, Greymantle and Hagendar storm towards each other, Hagendar cutting his way through two of the mercenaries to reach him.

The two great warriors battle fiercely, long years of violence leaving no room for mercy or quarter in their hearts. Olrun drops the two remaining mercenaries meanwhile and Blacktongue begins a chant in a voice too low for a normal man to speak. His hands moving over the still form of Lugh, dark energies mingle with golden flecks snaking out and wrapping Lugh's wounds and limbs.

Hagendar and Greymantle make a wreck of the hall. Hagendar is the victor, though Greymantle is a grizzled veteran he is no match for the hero and his magic spear.

All the while Gudran is yelling for the warriors to stop the carnage and calling for his reluctant Guards to intervene.

As the Grey haired mercenary captain falls the guards rush in and stay Hagendar's hand. A fearful quiet falls over the hall and only Blacktongues weird ululations can be heard. Blacktongue clutches his temples as Lugh spasms with a sudden deep intake of breath.

Lugh rises from near death with only a few scratches on him and Blacktongue begins to scream and rave, madness shining from his eyes. Having travelled to deaths door to rescue his friend has taken a heavy toll on his mind.

Gudran his face a deep smouldering red orders his men to bind Lugh's arms and take him to the stocks.

The still living mercenaries, including their captain are carried from the hall to the healers hut, the others are removed from sight.

Blacktongue continues to rave until both Hagendar and Olrun begin to talk to him and sooth his shattered wits.

For the rest of the night Olrun watches Blacktongue sit silently, and Hagendar exchange careful words with Gudran in a dark corner.

Thinking to herself on Lughs friendship, his expertise, and whether it is worth the price of his big mouth and mischievous nature.

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