Saturday, February 3, 2018

Grow Old Gaming - Solo?

So like some decaying noxious thing that stalks you from afar in the darkness I have risen again.

This time I have fixed my ever shifting gaze upon Solo roleplaying, of the table top / mobile variety.

It's been a bit hard for me to make it to games lately, so I thought I would give solo role playing a go.

My weapon of choice The Mythic RPG System !

I have not decided yet whether I will go all the way with the Mythic system until I read more of it. I like what I have read thus far.

At first I considered using just the Mythic GM emulator and using the Swords of Strange Aeons V3. [SOSA] rules set. It's a very nice simple set of rules that in my opinion lend themselves to a low fantasy style of play.

For my first play through in a solo game I am leaning heavily towards this set up. As I read more of the actual Mythic RPG I may change my mind and play using only the Mythic rules.

I have made one change to the SOSA rules, for convenience. I am using d10 instead of d12, as the Mythic GM emulator uses d100, so I will only have to worry about one set of dice to roll. Lazy perhaps on my part but I think it will increase speed of play and immersion if I don't have to switch sets of dice every minute or so.

The setting is inspired by a good friend of mine who has been tempting me with talk of dark age warriors hunting monsters that lurk in dark forests and cold frozen bogs.

It will be Beowulf-esque, grim, dark, and very low magic.

Mortality will be high.

I will frankly be surprised if any of my characters make it all the way through the adventure alive.

I will try to play the adventure in multiple locations, across multiple platforms. I really want to push myself and the type of play as far as I can. Because I am really keen to play something, and if I succeed or fail at it I want to know why, and that I gave it a good try.

So I will employ, pen and paper, mobile phone apps, PC web based apps, and good old imagination. Which ever best suits myself and the venue at the time.

I suspect that a combination of Mobile app and good old fashioned note book [the pen and paper kind mind you!] will be the best way forward.

Taking all that in mind...

Gudran's Doom or The Thing In the Wood.

Something dark and terrible has been stalking the dwellers of Laugarbrek over the last few months. Livestock torn to bloody ribbons, the people mauled, murdered, and maimed.

Glimpses of a great hairy thing that could be a bear, or a wolf, or some type of giant cat. The shaken whispered words give the doom a shape to fit the tongue speaking them.

The wise old man who lives nearby swears that it comes for the Thane Gudran and the beast will tear its way through all of Laugarbrek to get to him.

Thane Gudran is an old man and clings to life jealously, he is vein and proud. Many agree with the wise old man, and say that he has brought this Doom on himself and all of Laugarbrek.

The Thane sends word out across his lands. It reaches far beyond his borders, "Heroes a worthy challenge awaits, come slay this doom that stalks my lands. Rich reward and glory wait for the brave and victorious."

Hagendar Finehair sits with his companions Olrun Shield-bearer,  Blacktongue, and Lugh the rogue, in a warm feasting hall in the south. They hear the message and the much garbled tale that
accompanies it.

Without speaking each look at the other and nod.

This will be the last evening for a while that they will spend together in comfort.

It is Hagendar's doom that he must seek all the great beasts of the world or they will in time seek those that he loves most.

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