Swords of Strange Aeons Character Creation
Making a character in SOSA is a quick and simple affair. It may seem a bit challenging the first few time, as many free form style games can be.
Each player character has 4 traits that describe them and define their abilities. These traits are either broad in scope or narrow. A broad trait will give you a +1 to the die roll, a narrow will give +3.
Each character has a defining trait, this trait can be broad or narrow, but it sums up the essence of the character in the players eyes. All rolls using this trait and bonus may be re-rolled, but the second roll must be kept.
Skill use and task resolution is achieved by rolling two dice, one being the skill roll and the other setting the difficulty. If the number on the skill die is equal to or higher than that on the difficulty die you have a success. Degrees of success or failure may also be important on how much under or over the die result is.
There actual rolling mechanics are more complex than this, but not a lot more mind you!, but I don't want to give the whole game away. Mystic Bread games has put blood, sweat, and tears into this system so if you like what you see consider purchasing a copy.
Swords of Strange Aeons is a remarkable, flexible system, perfect for Low fantasy type settings, im my opinion, and is available in either a free pdf [Version 2] of a more fully fleshed out [version 3] available for peanuts from Drive Through RPG.
Well worth adding to your collection.
Be warned though, combat in SOSA is fast and brutal, magic is powerful, unpredictable, and dangerous.
Now you have a basic idea of how the system works, here are the fully defined characters in this drama...
The Heroes
Hagendar FinehairWarrior of renown Broad Trait [+1], Weilder of Brightshaft the magic spear Narrow Trait [+3], Inspiring leader Broad trait [+1], Monster bane Defining Trait/Narrow Trait [+3]
Olrun Shieldbearer
Shield Maiden Defining Trait/Broad Trait [+1], Nerves of iron Broad Trait [+1], Fleet footed Broad Trait [+1], Worthy Bard Narrow Trait [+3]
Wise Broad Trait [+1], Shaman Broad Trait [+1], Healer Narrow Trait [+3], Touched by the Gods Defining Trait/Broad Trait [+1]
Lugh The Rogue
Sneaky Broad Trait [+1], Trickster Defining Trait/Broad Trait [+1], Sharp eyed Broad Trait [+1], Dirty Fighter Narrow Trait [+3]
Thane GudranCunning Broad Trait [+1], Rich Broad Trait [+1], Powerful Broad Trait [+1], Resourceful Broad Trait [+1]
Loyal Warriors of the Thane Broad Trait [+1]
The Mercenaries
Thagard Greymantle
Grizzled Veteran Broad Trait [+1], Respected captain Broad Trait [+1], Hard to kill Defining Trait/Narrow Trait [+3]
Battle hardened Scum Broad Trait [+1], Many Brothers Narrow Trait [+3]
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