Sunday, February 11, 2018

Mythic Adventure Tracking Sheet

I was thinking this time around I would show more of what is going on behind the scenes in my solo adventure. If other soloists like me are interested in giving this combination of systems a go it may help light the way :)

Also if more experienced soloists see me making errors then they can help me 'do it right' :P

This is how adventures using the Mythic GM Emulator are planned and tracked. This form keeps track of how chaotic the environment is, the players, NPC's involved in the adventure currently, and what is happening in the scene you are playing as well as what has gone before.

If anyone is interested I can post up the Finalised adventure tracking sheet for my Beowulf adventure for them to have a look at.

I had to make the form, provided on a page in the Mythic book, an actual fallible form so it would be pretty to look at here for you. I did this using the PDFEscape website. Very handy tool I am going to be using this a lot in the future.

In order to upload the PDF as a .png image, also for your viewing pleasure, I used PDF2PNG website to convert the document to the lovely image you see below.

Each time you begin a scene, and when certain numbers are rolled using the GM Emulator, there is a chance the scene will be modified or a random event will occur throwing your adventure into unknown territory, giving you a set back, or a bonus. There is a great deal that can happen with a few dice rolls to keep things interesting and prevent the scenario becoming a linear logical grind.

This as you can see happened in the very first scene. Instead of the group arriving at the manor house, setting up a base of operations, and beginning their investigations, something unexpected happened. This was unexpected for the Player characters, and for the player [Me]. The scene modification roll [I rolled 5 on a d10] was equal to or less than the current chaos factor [chaos factor: 5] this signifies that the scene is modified in some manner. 

Rolling 1d100 to determine how that scene is modified. I roll 58 and find that it is modified in a way that is negative to a PC. I determine that Deborah Wood is the unfortunate. Next I roll 1d100 twice to find the Action and Subject modifiers for the PC negative incident.  

The Action modifier is Judge, this gets me thinking of legal things and organisations. The Subject modifier is Hope. I feel that Deborah's Hopes of finding her farther have suffered a set back. Taking the Action modifier into account it seems logical to me that the police have tapped up the house and sealed it to entry as they 'investigate' the disappearance of her farther. 

This means that entering the house would have legal ramifications and in order to avoid them, they now need to visit the local authorities and get permission to enter the house. This is chewing up valuable time Deb could be using to find clues as to where her farther is.

Heaven knows what she will do if they don't let her in...

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