Wednesday, September 10, 2014


I have been doing some casual research on a few things related to my new project.  One of the most fun parts is working on a Lineage and time line for my SOTU / Middle Earth hybrid setting.

Thought I might share the first draft of the Lineage of  Aragorn and Arwen. It will be a major factor in the overall political climate of the Fourth Age setting I am playing with at the moment.

I have a good general idea of how I want to shape this next age of Middle Earth, Tolkien has already painted the broadest of  brushstrokes for us, I want to fill in some of the rest.

We all Know that Aragorn took the name of Elessar when he became King.

The marriage of Elessar and Arwen produced an heir Eldarion, and two daughters Ioreth, and Morwen. [Only Eldarion is named by Tolkien, he suggests that Elesssar and Arwen had more than one daughter.] Eldarion ascended to the throne of Gondor and Arnor upon the death of Elessar in FA 120. Ioreth disappeared in her mid twenties and has never been seen since. Morwen married a prince of the Easterlings, Ufthak, cementing an alliance with Gondor. She soon rose with her Husband to rule the Easterling empire upon the death of Ufthaks father Durthak.

Eldarion wedded Leofwyn of the Rohirim royal family and they had four children. Barahir, the eldest and heir, twin brothers Hurin and Huror, and the youngest daughter Gilrean. [Named after Elessars mother.] Ufthak and Morwen had a son Aragost the future King of the Easterlings.

Eldarion died in FA 227. just over 100 years after succeeding his father Elessar.

Aragost murders his father Ufthak with the help of his mother Morwen [Who is suspected of being a witch /sorceress of some sort.] He then moves to usurp the throne of Gondor, civil war breaks out in the Re-United Kingdom, creating a clear division between north and south. Aragost is backed by a considerable Easterling and Harardrim army. Rumours of half orc blood and the support of the Orc hosts surround Aragost.

Draft Lineage for Eleasar's Line.

I am researching the first draft of the political maps at the moment as well, but they are not ready just yet.

All this is a lot of fun, I am having to learn Black speech as well to get some of this done. Really getting my Geek on!

Till next time, have fun and thanks for reading,


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