Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fourth Age Cartography

It has been a few weeks now and I apologise for not putting any new pieces up.

However, ready for an all hallows gift, I have for you, some maps! Only roughs for the time being, to further flesh out the world I am creating.

They follow the time line in the previous post and I have the relevant dates with some small amount of information for each at the top margin.

Without further adoo....

Fig 1.

Fig 2.

Fig 3.

Fig 4.

All maps are hand drawn by me, as if you couldn't tell :P, and are works in progress. At later dates I will refine them and add legends and some colour to make them more meaningful.

Glad I managed to squeeze in something before the end of October at least :)

Happy Halloween!

Thanks for reading,


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Timeline for After The King

Fourth Age

Length uncertain. Many entries are derived from the Appendices to The Lord of the Rings, and the Wikipedia article, Timeline of Arda, the rest I have added building upon it to create the timeline for my project. [In Blue.]

From Wikipedia;
In the reckoning of Gondor, the Fourth Age began on 'March' 25, T.A. 3021. Since most of the following events had been dated according to the Shire-reckoning, their years in the Fourth Age cannot be stated with certainty. Some events may have occurred in the following year of the Fourth Age.
  • 6: Peregrin Took marries Diamond of Long Cleeve
  • (Date uncertain): Birth of Elfwine, son of Éomer and Lothíriel
  • (Date uncertain): Birth of Elboron, son of Faramir and Éowyn
  • (Date uncertain): Birth of Eldarion Son of Elessar and Arwen. First son of Elessar and hier.
  • (Date uncertain): Birthe of Ioreth daughter of Elessar and Arwen.
  • (Date uncertain): Birth of Durin VII, descendant (perhaps son) of Thorin III Stonehelm
  • 12: Start of the 30 years war to retake Gondors lost territories and supress the Easterlings and Haradrim.
  • 13: Peregrin Took becomes thirty-second Thain of the Shire
  • 15: Death of Glóin, father of Gimli.
  • 18: All of the territory lost to the Easterlings and haradrim are recaptured. A truce is signed between the Newly Reuninted Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor and the Easterling and Haradrim Empires.
  • 19: Birth of Morwen daughter of Elessar and Arwen.
  • 20: Hostilites begin a new and the Truce of Reunification is broken. Gondor/Arnor are once again at war with the Easterlings and Haradrim.
  • 31: Haradrim surrender to The Reuninted Kindom of Gondor and Arnor.
  • 33: Marriage of Morwen to Ufthak Emperor of the Haradrim to seal the peace with the Reunited Kingdom.
  • 34: Death of Prince Imrahil. Imrahil's son Elphir assumes the Principality.
  • 35: Birth of Aragost to Ufthak and Morwen. Son and heir to the Harad empire.
  • 41: Birth of Holfast Gardner, son and heir of Frodo Gardner
  • 42: The Easterlings, after fighting on for another 11 years surrender on the shores of the Sea of Ruhn battered and tired, this occurs under mysterious circumstances, though rumour has it that they are fighting on two fronts.
  • 63: Meriadoc Brandybuck, aged 102, and Pippin leave the Shire to live in Gondor; death of Éomer, aged 93, whose son Elfwine ascends the throne of Rohan.
  • 67: Death of Prince Elphir son of Imrahil, twenty-third Prince of Dol Amroth. Elphir's son Alphros assumes the Principality.[17]
  • 80: Birth of Harding of the Hill, Sam Gamgee's heir and great-grandson
  • 82: Death of Faramir, aged 120. His son Elboron assumes the Principality.[17]
  • 91: Death of Dwalin, brother of Balin, aged 341.
  • 95: Death of Prince Alphros of Dol Amroth, son of Elphir.[17]
  • 120: Death of Aragorn, King of the Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor, after 210 years of life and 122 years of reign; his son Eldarion ascends the throne. The bodies of Meriadoc and Peregrin are laid beside that of Aragorn. According to legend, on the death of Aragorn, Legolas builds a ship and sails into the west to the Undying Lands, taking Gimli (now a very old Dwarf) with him and marking an end to the Fellowship of the Ring.
  • 121: Death of Arwen, aged 2901
  • 124: Rumours of a growing darkness far to the East reach the Ears of the Court of Gondor.
  • 127: Marriage of Eldarion to Leofwyn or the Rohirim
  • 129: Birth Barahir Son of Eldarion and Leofwyn. First son and hier to the Reunited kingdom.
  • 131: Birth of Hurin and Huror, twin sons of Eldarion and Leowfwyn.
  • 135: Birth of Gilrean daughter to Eldarion and Leofwyn.
  • 172: A copy of the Red Book of Westmarch is made[18]
  • 185: Death of Harding of the Hill, Sam Gamgee's heir[19]
  • 209: Death of Ufthak of the Haradrim under mysterious circumstances. [Morwen helps Aragost murder his father.] Aragost Assumes the title of Emperor of the Haradrim.
  • 227: End of Eldarion's reign[20] Barahir is crowned High King of the Reunited Kingdom.
  • 232 Barahir dies of a mysterious malady. The Princes of the North and South, Hurin and his brother Huror come to Minas Tirith to investigate and attend hi funeral. Aragost challenges the legitimacy of Hurina nd Huror and Claims the throne of the High King for himself. Invading without warning he captures Minas Tirith and most of the souther Kingdom of Gondor. The Haradrim and Easterlings are working together again. Many observe darker things moving with the invading armies. Rumours of orcs and trolls moving at night spring up everywhere in the southern parts of Gondor. Huror and Hurin barely escape fleeing north to Arnor with only a few retainers. They immediately begin raising an army to counter attack.
  • 232- : The present, Gondor is subjugated through the treachery of Aragost, and Arnor prepares to fight the invaders to free the south. Dark creatures once again move freely on the surface of middle earth.

    I will most likely flesh the timeline out further, the Descendants of Farramir and the Princes of Dol Amroth for certain, consider this a working list :)

    Thanks for reading,


Wednesday, September 10, 2014


I have been doing some casual research on a few things related to my new project.  One of the most fun parts is working on a Lineage and time line for my SOTU / Middle Earth hybrid setting.

Thought I might share the first draft of the Lineage of  Aragorn and Arwen. It will be a major factor in the overall political climate of the Fourth Age setting I am playing with at the moment.

I have a good general idea of how I want to shape this next age of Middle Earth, Tolkien has already painted the broadest of  brushstrokes for us, I want to fill in some of the rest.

We all Know that Aragorn took the name of Elessar when he became King.

The marriage of Elessar and Arwen produced an heir Eldarion, and two daughters Ioreth, and Morwen. [Only Eldarion is named by Tolkien, he suggests that Elesssar and Arwen had more than one daughter.] Eldarion ascended to the throne of Gondor and Arnor upon the death of Elessar in FA 120. Ioreth disappeared in her mid twenties and has never been seen since. Morwen married a prince of the Easterlings, Ufthak, cementing an alliance with Gondor. She soon rose with her Husband to rule the Easterling empire upon the death of Ufthaks father Durthak.

Eldarion wedded Leofwyn of the Rohirim royal family and they had four children. Barahir, the eldest and heir, twin brothers Hurin and Huror, and the youngest daughter Gilrean. [Named after Elessars mother.] Ufthak and Morwen had a son Aragost the future King of the Easterlings.

Eldarion died in FA 227. just over 100 years after succeeding his father Elessar.

Aragost murders his father Ufthak with the help of his mother Morwen [Who is suspected of being a witch /sorceress of some sort.] He then moves to usurp the throne of Gondor, civil war breaks out in the Re-United Kingdom, creating a clear division between north and south. Aragost is backed by a considerable Easterling and Harardrim army. Rumours of half orc blood and the support of the Orc hosts surround Aragost.

Draft Lineage for Eleasar's Line.

I am researching the first draft of the political maps at the moment as well, but they are not ready just yet.

All this is a lot of fun, I am having to learn Black speech as well to get some of this done. Really getting my Geek on!

Till next time, have fun and thanks for reading,


Friday, September 5, 2014


Just a quick post to get this rolling.

I have been wanting to do another writing project for some time, now I think I have something worth doing. From my own perspective at least :P

I figured an online blog to document my interests and activities would be a good place to put it and would give me something, long term, to work on as well. I am a gamer at heart and have never stopped gaming since my early exposure to a game called Pong. Gaming of all sorts is one of my largest vices/indulgences/therapies. I always try to spoil that young kid that still lives inside of me.

Now as for that first project...

I will be adapting a roll-playing setting that is dear to my heart, goes back to when I was a wee strap of a lad, to a set of rules that I have come to love and enjoy.

The rules set is Searchers of the Unknown, by Nicolas Dessaux, an adaptation to the basic Dungeons and Dragons rules.

The setting is Tolkien's Middle Earth. But with a twist ;)

Watch this space to see how it develops.
